
We’re Polyamorous Vampires | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

2021-11-16 26 Dailymotion

A “POLYAMOROUS vampire witch” has opened up about her multiple relationships, which include a coven of fellow witches. Daley and Logan South have been married since 2016 and Daley started a relationship with her coven of three other partners two years ago. She is now in a relationship network known as a “polycule” which includes her partner Jeffrey – who also happens to be a gay man – her girlfriend Zoe, and her boyfriend Zeph, who is also married to Zoe. Daley said: “The coven would get together and you could feel the magic. After we started doing rituals together we started forming a romantic partnership. I just found myself falling in love with these people.” Daley and Logan live in Austin, along with Logan’s girlfriend Ilona, who along with the coven make up the polycule: a network of people connected through romantic, non-monogamous relationships. To celebrate their two-year anniversary, the coven recently performed a ritual before heading out on a group date with Logan and Ilona. Despite being closely bonded, Daley and her group have experienced negativity and judgement for their lifestyle choices. “I feel like there is a negative aspect when a woman is poly,” Daley explained. “When you see a man with multiple women or partners it’s like ‘high-five’. But when a woman is with multiple partners it’s like ‘oh, she’s a whore’.” Zoe added: “Life is so short and hard. When you find those pockets of joy and love, hold on to it and screw what everybody else thinks.”
You can find Daley at instagram.com/daleycatherine/
And Logan at instagram.com/thelogansouth